Recently I started using the ping function to check the online status of my networking devices.
What I’m experiencing is that all my Netgear devices give successfull reply, but from the Cisco switch, Synology NAS and Nokia modem are no replies received. While in Windows and OSx I get normal replies when pinging all devices.
Am I doing something wrong?
Kind regards
Recently I started using the ping function to check the online status of my networking devices.
What I’m experiencing is that all my Netgear devices give successfull reply, but from the Cisco switch, Synology NAS and Nokia modem are no replies received. While in Windows and OSx I get normal replies when pinging all devices.
Am I doing something wrong?
Kind regards
<r><I><s></s>LM Air, 20 aktuatoren, 8 sender, 3t-components weather sensor, 4x Sonnenschutz, 10x Rauchmelder, 3x RaspBerry Pi ... und mehr zu kommen...<e></e></I></r>