Lately I was thinking that (for me) it would be a great feature to have the option to let the LD on the LM-Air light up in another color for some actions.
For example, when a scene is triggered by the weather sensor, the LED illuminates yellow instead of red.
Kind regards
Lately I was thinking that (for me) it would be a great feature to have the option to let the LD on the LM-Air light up in another color for some actions.
For example, when a scene is triggered by the weather sensor, the LED illuminates yellow instead of red.
Kind regards
<r><I><s></s>LM Air, 20 aktuatoren, 8 sender, 3t-components weather sensor, 4x Sonnenschutz, 10x Rauchmelder, 3x RaspBerry Pi ... und mehr zu kommen...<e></e></I></r>