Color code of LED

2 Replies, 10837 Views

Lately I was thinking that (for me) it would be a great feature to have the option to let the LD on the LM-Air light up in another color for some actions.
For example, when a scene is triggered by the weather sensor, the LED illuminates yellow instead of red.

Kind regards

<r><I><s></s>LM Air, 20 aktuatoren, 8 sender, 3t-components weather sensor, 4x Sonnenschutz, 10x Rauchmelder, 3x RaspBerry Pi ... und mehr zu kommen...<e></e></I></r>
I nice idea. We could add it as a system command and allow to give the LED a color of one's choice.
<r><COLOR color="#777777"><s></s>Wir wünschen viel Spaß mit den Produkten und einen erfolgreichen Tag! Ihr jbmedia Team <E>Smile</E><br/>
That would be great! Although it might give some confusing situations with the color codes the unit uses itself (green for booting, yellow for network loss). So maybe instead of smoove fading over to the color, the system status could be blinking instead? Of the other way round...
I trust you will work out something nice, like the whole product is Big Grin
<r><I><s></s>LM Air, 20 aktuatoren, 8 sender, 3t-components weather sensor, 4x Sonnenschutz, 10x Rauchmelder, 3x RaspBerry Pi ... und mehr zu kommen...<e></e></I></r>

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