Just a minute ago I installed AirStudio 10. Previously I saw the "Trust" actuators, but now they are translated to Dutch, so the actuators are called "vertrouwen". Is there a way to fix this?
Kind regards
By the way, you did a great job with the extra functionalities in this version!
Just a minute ago I installed AirStudio 10. Previously I saw the "Trust" actuators, but now they are translated to Dutch, so the actuators are called "vertrouwen". Is there a way to fix this?
Kind regards
By the way, you did a great job with the extra functionalities in this version!
<r><I><s></s>LM Air, 20 aktuatoren, 8 sender, 3t-components weather sensor, 4x Sonnenschutz, 10x Rauchmelder, 3x RaspBerry Pi ... und mehr zu kommen...<e></e></I></r>