Light mnager mini Pronto hex codes

3 Replies, 15062 Views

Dear all, i tried to export the pronto hex codes from my lightmanager Mini into my Beo5.
Unfortunately the Beo5 programming software does not recognize the codes as pronto. To me the codes generated by the lightmanager appear shorter then other pront hex codes. If i try to enter the code in an online convertor it is also not succesfull. Example of the first code:

Button 1:
0000 006D 0000 000A 005F 005F 0013 0013 0013 005F 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 005F 0013 076C

Has anyone succcesfull entered the pronto hex codes from the lightman studio into another device?
What do I do wrong?
regards Eelco

we have checked the format of the Pronto codes generated by Lightman Studio. It seems to be correct according to this documentation:

The code length is variable, it totally depends on the specific device. To be really sure that the code is correct we imported it into ProntoEdit, the official tool to configure Pronto remotes by Philips. It was accepted succesfully.

Could it be that the Beo5 does not accept text files? Maybe it wants to have a *.CCF file or something like that. These can be built with ProntoEdit as well.
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Thanks for the rapid reply. The Beo5 does accept pronto codes(as text) for other IR devices, through a coding tool.
For example I can code for an NAD receiver from the nineties, and a audiolab MDAC. Those proto HEX codes are much longer, suggesting another protocol. I will also ask the coder of the tool, if he knows.
regards Eelco
Thnx for the help, the pronto HEX codes were valid, I made a user error in programming the scenes.
(very good service supporting such an old device BTW)
regrds Eelco

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