Light Manager Mini - Learn problem

0 Replies, 78 Views

Hello Everyone,

I use my Light Manager mini with 2 old radio plug wich I did set A,1 and A,2 with a weel on the back of the devices.
I have a logitech Harmony and everything works fine for years now.

The problem is I want to add new radio plugs wich I did on amazon (chacon) :
[Bild: 313nsFIBJ%2BL._AC_.jpg]

On Lightman studio : Impossible to set a code like my old plug, or even try to learn IR... I don't understand why, I probably missed something.

I tried to look for tutorial or video for lightman studio ans lightmanager mini on the web but no success...

Can you help me to check every step one by one please ?

Thank you in advance

Best regards

Yann from France

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