No, HW is almlost the same since the first day.
And if you press your Intertechno remote, as well nothing?
Have you placed the air somewhere else and changed the Powersupply (directly in the USB of the PC)?
<t>Gruß Jürgen</t>
I have just treied again with Somfy Smoove remote next to the Light Manager, nothing appears in RF field.
I also just tried in Standard Mode and Hybrid mode with an Intertechno RH remote, nohing appears in RF field.
The Light Manager is powered by USB power supply. Maybe power supply is not strong enough?
Or should Light Manager be powered via USB of the PC on which I am running the airStudio?
Kind regards!
I connected the Light Manager to another USB power supply which is more powerful (1000mA).
Same result...
I never had an problem on emission side.
Since the device has 2 antenas, is it one for emitting and 1 for receiving?
No, one for 443MHz, the other for 886 MHz.
Not another Powersupply, directly to the PC, it is just a test because PC-USB has no emissions at all.
If this doesn't help, please contact jb-media directly.
<t>Gruß Jürgen</t>
Hi Paule26,
I just tried with connecting via USB the Light Manager to the PC where airStudio is running and it works perfectly!!
Does this mean RF reception with airStudio can not work when Light Manager is powered with USB power supply (no via PC) ?
Many thanks to both of you!
I managed to have it working in standalone with the combination of a 2000mA USB power supply and a given USB cable, was not that easy!
I have one last question:
Is there a way with airStudio to trigger a call to an URL upon marker state change?
For example:
when Marker 1 is set to off, call a specific url 1
when Marker 1 is set to on, call a specific url 2
Many thanks in advance!
You have to trigger the URL (actuator administration > IR - RF - LAN > LAN) in the scene, which sets the marker state.
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