Light Manager to react to existing Somfy remotes

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Dear all,

I am currently using the Light Manager to control some Somfy blinds. It is working great!
My problem is that if I use the original physical Somfy remote to move up or down the blinds, then the marker state of my blinds in Light Manager gets inconsistent.

Is there a way to have the Light Manager able to listen to the original physical Somfy remote and then update blind marker state in Light Manager?

Kind regards,
Dear all,

Is there really no way to do that?
Maybe by getting the ID of the physical Somfy remote and set this ID when creating the actuator?

Kind regards!
I'm not sure because I never worked with Somfy, but maybe you can try to create two RF-scenes to change the marker status according to the Somfy remote. You should change the 433 MHz RF-Transmitter mode to Somfy and then press the button on the remote control. The code should appear in the window with a green outlining. Press Add to copy this code to the RF-Scenes. Then click on this RF-Scene, go to the marker actions and add the corresponding marker to that RF-Scene (f.e. when you activated the UP-Button on the remote, you should set the marker to UP in the RF-Scene). This should sync the markers when using the original remote - just an idea, hopefully it helps...
Thanks for your answer!

I tried a bit what you propose. Interesting!!
You mean the "teach" button in "Manual scene" section right? It looks like this is for infra red remote control: nothing appears when I push my RF Somfy remote control. Or do you mean some other interface somewhere in the Air Studio?

Kind regards!
when open AirStudio, you have the manual scenes in the top right corner, click on the tab 'RF Transmitter' even more on the right. If you do, you have three fields: Code, 433 MHz and 868 MHz.
Switch 433 MHz from 'standard mode' to 'Gira, Berker, Jung, Somfi'. Press the button on the remote; the field 'Code' will be outlined in green and filled with numbers and/or letters, representing the translated Code of the remote.
Click on 'Add', and this code is added to the left side (Sender ID). Click on that entry and it gets highlighted. Click on the lower right side (Actions) on 'Marker' and choose your desired marker to combine with the remote's action. Under 'Command', you can choose 'turn on', 'turn off' or 'toggle', depending on the state of your blinds.
Repeat that for the other remote button(s) and you're done - hopefully, if it works...
Best Wishes!
I just tried your proposal. Unfortunately, I do not receive anything in the "Code" field... I tried with my Somfy remote control, selecting 'Gira, Berker, Jung, Somfy' in 433 MHz list. I also tried with Intertechno switch remote control, selecting 'Standard mode', nothing appears.
I have HW version 1, Firmware version 9.2 and AirSudio 9.6.1.
Did I miss something?
Kind regards,
After some more tries, I got something in 'Code'... but it looks like garbage.
Got 'DE4E785D' recognized as GIRA.
Got '1995157' recognized as Somfy.
Dear all,

Is there really no way to have Light Manager to update its marker status upon the usage of a physical Somfy remote?
When using physical Somfy remote to set up or down some blind, the state of Somfy blind inside the Light Manager (marker) does not match anymore real blind state. Because of that, I do not use anymore the Somfy physical remotes to control my blinds...
Sorry, I can't see there a problem, it normally should work.
Have you installed the newest Version 9.9.5?
[Bild: Air.jpg]

And if you as well have standard remotes, choose hybrid-mode
[Bild: 1.jpg]

The rest was perfectly explained by DerSchatz

All the best
<t>Gruß Jürgen</t>
Daer Jürgen,
Many thanks for your answer!

Yes, I have airStudio 9.9.5. Firmware is 9.9 and my HW version is 1.0.

The Somfy remotes I have are Smoove ones, quite recent I think?

So when I configure the RF Transmitter section as you say, nothing appears in the field when I press the remote buttons...

Is my HW verison too old?

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