I'm looking for a manual or any how to's in order to use my Hue Philips products via JBMedia. Can't find any documentation in English or French. Do you know if there is something around the web in those languages ?
We will make a tutorial very shortly. There is no developer account necessary.
<r><COLOR color="#777777"><s>
</s>Wir wünschen viel Spaß mit den Produkten und einen erfolgreichen Tag! Ihr jbmedia Team <E>
The reason we didn't update this FAQ entry is because native HUE support is coming. This means you will not have to deal with HTTP PUT commands, instead the HUE bridge and all Zigbee lights will be found by airStudio automatically and you can control them with native commands like on, off, color etc. We expect this update very soon, maybe even in May.
<r><COLOR color="#777777"><s>
</s>Wir wünschen viel Spaß mit den Produkten und einen erfolgreichen Tag! Ihr jbmedia Team <E>
Hello there,
Now that Philips Hue is native, I still have a problem.
AirStudio imported my Hue lamps in my AirStudio file but when I try to trigger one of them from the app nothing happend.
Even the browsers recognize them but when I select a lamp and click « on » or « off » nothing happens (the dots blink for left to right then green but nothing happens)
Any clue ?