LM Pro: Marker status not changing in web interface

3 Replies, 19398 Views

Dear JB Media,

I am very happy with the use and functionality of the Light Manager Pro, that I am using for several years now.
Currently I am working on the marker functionality. This works fine, only on the web interface the marker indicator doesn't change color (or text, or anything) when the marker is on or off...
I can just see 4 x 4 green marker fields, where the first marker is labelled with the name I gave marker 1.
But this field is always green, despite the marker being on or off....

The functionality of the marker is working, so I can have actions take place depending on the state of the marker, I only cannot see if a marker is on or off. That is a pity since the web interface would be the only place to see if a marker is on or off....

Is this a bug in the software? I am using Studio v. 6.3.1, Firmware v. 4.7 and Hardware v. 1.1

Kind regards,
Joris Willemse
I think 1st you have to update.

Airstudio is on 8.1.3 and Air FW on 7.2
Thanks for your reply. Can I use AirStudio on the Lightman Pro then?
When I go to the download section and choose the Lightman Pro I can only see the Lightmanager Studio v. 6.3.1...
AirStudio is listed on the Light manager Air....
Ah, sorry, you have the LM Pro.
Then you have the latest versions.

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