Light manager mini, nexa and harmony

4 Replies, 21473 Views

I have a light manager mini and was hoping to control my nexa ( learnable)
Dont understand the usermanual so if someone have a easy way to do it i will be greatful????
Nexa actuators (433 MHz, not 868 MHz) are compatible with Intertechno and Trust actuators. So just create an Intertechno actuator in Lightman Studio with the option Actuator is code learning enabled. Afterwards select Check in actuator and press the learn button of the actuator. That's it, now the actuator can be controlled with the Light-Manager.
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And your solution are working as long as the ligh manager are connected to the pc. From there i can controll al the nexa produckts. But when i take the light manager out of the computer and plug it in to a outlet it will not work? Can you help more?
And my main goal is to control the nexa products with my harmony remote...
Sorry to ask again, but can administrator help?

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